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New 2023 Handstand Workshop Dates Released!

handstand workshops Sep 18, 2023

I can't believe we're at the tail end of 2023! SO crazy! I just released my last 3 handstand workshop dates of the year. You can sign up here!

My workshops are 90 minutes long with the first half geared more toward beginners and the last half geared more toward the intermediate student.

What will I learn during this all-level workshop?

  • How BALANCE works and what it FEELS like.
  • How to start your handstand journey even if you've never done a HANDSTAND.
  • How to CONSISTENTLY kick up into the balance without blocking your shoulders by using your 4 "drivers" & the ball method.
  • Learn how to cartwheel SAFELY out of a handstand without needing a spotter.
  • Make balancing a handstand way easier by learning my PUSH/PULL technique.
  • Stop wasting your time with multiple drills! I will teach you the most effective drills that will unlock the handstand QUICKER!
  • LEARN the exercises & stretches you NEED to improve your hand-balancing skills.

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