Introducing The Handstand Bible:
Your Ultimate Guide to Mastering Handstands

Are you ready to finally achieve the handstand?!

No matter your age or skill level!

Are you struggling to master the handstand?!

Do you find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media, watching countless handstand tutorials, only to end up more frustrated than ever? Have you attempted every trendy tip and trick from Reels to TikToks, yet still can't seem to crack the code to mastering the handstand?

You're not alone.

Many aspiring handstand enthusiasts face the same struggles. While social media platforms offer a plethora of handstand tutorials, they often fail to provide the comprehensive, structured approach necessary for true skill development and they rarely address the underlying issues holding you back.

Can you imagine...
  • Being able to consistently kick up into a free-standing handstand anywhere anytime?
  • Flowing through beautiful handstand shapes with total control and ease?
  • Having the strength and flexibility that comes only through body-weight training?

If any of this sounds like a dream, I want you to know that it’s 100% possible for you. And I know that, because I’ve been exactly where you are now and have created a proven system to help you achieve a free-standing handstand!

This is why I've created:
"The Handstand Bible: 10 Steps to Handstand Mastery"
If you're ready to finally achieve a free-standing handstand...


I've been teaching adults how to do handstands, gymnastics & calisthenics in my
Salt Lake City, Utah studio for 8+ years and have it down to a science! Through coaching hundreds of students, I've discovered the primary challenges individuals face in mastering the handstand, regardless of their efforts, and have found the most effective ways to overcome these issues.

When you implement my proven system...

Feeling like you aren't strong or flexible enough to do a handstand...
Knowing that you have earned the strength, joint stability, flexibility and total body control to be able to master the handstand or any other gymnastics/calisthenics trick you put your mind to.

Feeling like you can't get away from the wall no matter how hard you try...
Consistently kicking up into a strong and steady handstand whenever and wherever you'd like!

Not being able to find the stack and falling out of the handstand one way or the other...
Knowing exactly what the balance, over-balance and under-balance feels like and how to correct over- and under-balances through counter-balance.
If you're ready to go from ground zero to a hand-balancing pro, but you need someone who's been there/done that to guide the way... you're in the right place!

Grab your copy of the "Handstand Bible" and get access to my online video course as well!

This program is designed to take you from your very first handstand to balancing a one-minute free-standing handstand!

  1. Step-by-Step Coaching Videos: With over 50 instructional videos, you'll have access to detailed guidance every step of the way. 
  2. Handstand Drills: Master your technique with 36 carefully curated drills that target every aspect of handstand practice.
  3. Mobility Assessments: Understand your body's unique needs with 4 mobility assessments tailored to enhance your handstand journey.
  4. Comprehensive Manual: Dive deep into the intricacies of handstanding with a 70-page manual packed with valuable insights and tips.
  5. Handstand Strength Program: Build the necessary strength and flexibility with our "Handstand Strength" fitness program, featuring 78 coaching videos covering exercises and stretches.
  6. Progress Tracking Tools: Stay on top of your development with our "Mobility & Drills Checklist" and "Handstand Checklist," ensuring you're always moving forward.
So, what is 'The Handstand Bible' anyway?

The Handstand Bible provides a clear roadmap to handstand mastery in 10 steps... systematically leading you through each step while explaining the techniques and reasons behind them. Once you sign up, you will also be granted access to all 129 coaching videos and a strength & flexibility/mobility program that will guide you from being a complete beginner to a hand-balancing pro!

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Know what the 2 biggest obstacles beginners face when learning the handstand are and how to OVERCOME them.
  • How to start your handstand journey even if you've never done a HANDSTAND.
  • Know how balance works and what it FEELS like.
  • Understand why BALANCE isn't enough when it comes to balancing a handstand.
  • Learn how to CONSISTENTLY kick up into the balance without blocking your shoulders by using your 3 "drivers" & the ball method.
  • Learn how to bail SAFELY out of a handstand without needing a spotter.
  • Learn the exercises & stretches you NEED to improve your hand-balancing skills.
  • Stop wasting time with useless multiple drills! I will teach you the most effective drills that will unlock the handstand QUICKER!

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

Here's how the program breaks down...
Steps 1-5


Section One focuses on understanding the correct positioning for both your base (hands to shoulders) and body (head to toes) in a straight handstand. You’ll learn how to kick up into a handstand and step out or cartwheel out properly as well as how to achieve and maintain a proper stack. Even if you’re already familiar with these skills, it’s crucial to work through this section to perfect your form and technique before advancing.

In section one, you’re going to learn:

  • The exact mobility/flexibility you NEED to be able to not only hold a stacked straight handstand but also how to correct it from an over- or an under-balance.
  • How to engage & CONNECT your body.
  • How to STACK & steady your "base."
  • How to ACTIVATE your 3 "brakes."
  • How to use your "3 drivers" to kick up into the stack EVERY TIME!
  • How to keep your base stacked & steady as your body balances above.
  • How to correctly kick-up into a handstand and bail out SAFELY.
Steps 6-10


In section one, you mastered your base (hands to shoulders). Now it’s time to master your body (head to toes). In this section we will focus on learning how to drive your body through your hips while maintaining a strong hip connection. You will also learn how to coordinate your body and base. Work on steps 6-9 and then challenge yourself with the handstand flows in step 10.

In section, you’re going to learn:

  • Why balance isn't enough to hold a free-standing handstand.
  • The only three hip positions you need to be able to balance a one-minute+ free-standing handstand.
  • How to control your legs from going "rogue" and falling out of the stack.
  • How to connect your entire body (head to toes) so it is coordinated and can balance easily on your "steady base."

Handstand Strength & Flexibility Program

Included in this program is a strength & flexibility program that has all of the exercises and stretches that are specific to mastering the handstand!

In module one, you’re going to learn:

  • A 4-day split (2 upper and 2 lower body days) with the exact strength training you need to build handstand strength.
  • A full body flexibility flow to use after each workout that includes all the stretches you need to have the proper form in a handstand.
  • 78 coaching videos where I coach you through each stretch and each strength exercise so you know EXACTLY how to perform each movement correctly.
Grab your copy of the "Handstand Bible" and get access to my online video course as well!
  • Progress Monitoring: Break through your handstand barriers by learning the 4 essential mobility components crucial for handstand mastery. Utilize these assessments to gauge and keep track of your progress!
  • The Handstand Bible: Dive deep into the intricacies of hand balancing with a 70-page manual packed with valuable insights and tips. This guide perfectly complements the accompanying coaching videos.
  • Step-by-step Coaching Videos: With over 50 instructional videos, you'll have access to detailed guidance every step of the way.
  • Handstand Drills: Master your technique with 36 carefully curated drills that target every aspect of handstand practice.
  • Handstand Strength & Flexibility Program: Build the necessary strength and flexibility with the included handstand strength & flexibility program, featuring 78 coaching videos covering exercises and stretches.
  • Progress Tracking Tools: Stay on top of your development with our "Mobility & Drills Checklist" and "Handstand Checklist," ensuring you're always moving forward.
The Handstand Bible: 10 Steps to Handstand Mastery
The Handstand Bible: 10 Steps to Handstand Mastery

Meet Amber!
Your Handstand Coach

Hey there! I'm Amber, and I'm thrilled to have you here! Believe it or not, my own handstand journey didn't begin until my 30s. Back then, I couldn't do a push-up or a sit-up, and touching my toes with straight legs felt like a distant dream. But after having my third child, I found myself unable to shake the desire to explore handstands and gymnastics.

Driven by curiosity and a newfound sense of determination, I decided to take the plunge and pursue my passion for handstands and gymnastics. It wasn't easy at first, but with dedication and perseverance, I gradually made progress and fell head over heels (quite literally!) for the exhilarating world of handstands 

 Handstands have brought immense joy and fulfillment to my life, and I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share that passion with others. There's nothing quite like witnessing the joy and sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering a new skill, and I consider it a privilege to support and empower my clients as they embark on their own handstand journeys.

Whether you're a total beginner or looking to refine your skills, I'm here to help you unlock your full potential and discover the joy of handstands. Let's connect, set goals, and work together to turn your handstand dreams into reality!

Get Started Now!
If you're ready to master the handstand,


Don't let another day go by without taking action towards your handstand goals. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refine your technique, my personalized coaching approach will meet you where you are and guide you towards success. With dedication, consistency, and expert guidance, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. Let's make your handstand dreams a reality – get started today and take the first step towards becoming a handbalacing pro!

If you're still reading, is there something holding you back?
You may be asking yourself...
Grab your copy of the "Handstand Bible" and get access to my online video course as well!
  • Progress Monitoring: Break through your handstand barriers by learning the 4 essential mobility components crucial for handstand mastery. Utilize these assessments to gauge and keep track of your progress!
  • The Handstand Bible: Dive deep into the intricacies of hand balancing with a 70-page manual packed with valuable insights and tips. This guide perfectly complements the accompanying coaching videos.
  • Step-by-step Coaching Videos: With over 50 instructional videos, you'll have access to detailed guidance every step of the way.
  • Handstand Drills: Master your technique with 36 carefully curated drills that target every aspect of handstand practice.
  • Handstand Strength & Flexibility Program: Build the necessary strength and flexibility with the included handstand strength & flexibility program, featuring 78 coaching videos covering exercises and stretches.
  • Progress Tracking Tools: Stay on top of your development with our "Mobility & Drills Checklist" and "Handstand Checklist," ensuring you're always moving forward.
The Handstand Bible: 10 Steps to Handstand Mastery
The Handstand Bible: 10 Steps to Handstand Mastery