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Can I do gymnastics & calisthenics as an adult?

adult gymnastics calisthenics Aug 15, 2023

 Over my ten years of being a trainer, there’s a saying I tell aspiring gymnasts: 


Age ain’t nothing but a number!


And there’s a reason I live behind that principle,


I still remember the day that everything changed for me.


My kids were in gymnastics class having the time of their lives.


Doing cartwheels, handstands, the whole nine yards...



Suddenly a thought crossed my mind:


“Was my time up for gymnastics?”


And for a moment I put my head down in frustration,



Believing that becoming a gymnast was nothing more than a dream.


But then, I fought back against my doubts and summoned up the will and determination to push for my goal.


That same day, I signed up for gymnastics.


However, my body wasn’t the same compared to my twenties.


I searched for a trainer to help me but came up empty every time.


So I took matters into my own hands…


And experimented with different training methods and techniques.


Fast forward to now:


  • I feel younger at 40 than I ever did in my 20s  
  • I help hundreds of adults move like a gymnast
  • I became the trainer I always dreamed of having


The moral of the story:


Age doesn't matter in gymnastics!


You’re never too old to chase your dreams, so go after what calls to you! 


That’s all for now.





P.S. I want to help you with your gymnastics/calisthenics goals.

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